Thursday, 15 February 2018

Image attribution for a CLIL lesson

Image by Alex Molina. CC0 Creative Commons
Hello visitors!

As my first mission I've been told to uncover the image attribution for a CLIL lesson and I'm going to show you a practical use of images, too. If you are wondering how can you use images that are not your own, I will show you right now.

It's important that every time we use images or photographs we need to cite and attribute the source of the image. As you can see in the photographs that appear in this entry, I have included the name of the owner and the licence they are under. So this is the way to use others' images in your posts!!

These photographs can be used in a Social Science CLIL lesson and I have chosen them to introduce the different means of transport.
Students need to have the visual support to recognise the different types of transport and talk about their own experiences.
It creates the link between what they are going to learn and their own reality and could also be linked with Road Safety Education.

Photograph by hpgruesen. Licence CC0 Creative Commons

They will be asked about the different means of transport they know and discuss about how to behave in public transport. Using a whiteboard, the different photographs are displayed as they name them, and adding extra if they are not mentioned. It's important to set questions to promote oral interaction, such as the following:

- What means of transport do you know?
- How often do you use public transport?
- Where did you go on your last holiday? What means of transport did you use?
- Do you know what can you do when you're using public transport? And what can't you do?

Another uses are:

  • The images can be used to create an image bank (flashcards) the children can access to play memory games, matching images and words.

  • As we are going to classificate transports into air, land or water, the photographs are included in a chart as a visual support to complete statements on every means of transport. E.g. "The bus is a type of ___________(land) transport."

  • A whiteboard activity where children match the photograph with the sound of every means of transport is another use of images in the unit.

Well my dear visitors, I hope you understand better with this example how to proceed with images that are not your own.

Don't forget to buy your return ticket to the blog!!  I'll be back soon...
Image by Alex Molina. CC0 Creative Commons

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